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What We Do


UMN believes mentoring ignites and redirects one’s potential. Consequently, we engage Primary and Secondary school students in order to inspire school and life excellence. The aims of our mentoring programs are as follows:


  • One-on-one school counseling and advice to vulnerable students

  • Provide opportunities for physical activity such as sports and camping

  • Track mentees throughout their education until job acquisition

Higher Education Prep

UMN believes education is key to social prosperity. Consequently, we eased the load of our  Primary and Secondary school students in order to inspire school and life excellence. The aims of our higher education prep programs are twofold:


  • Provide shopping and pocket money assistance for Secondary school boarders

  • Give guidance on how to select and pursue a college major

The staff of Udhamini Mentorship Network in Mombasa, Kenya

Health Advocacy

UMN believes a healthy body is critical for effective nation-building. Consequently, we seek to empower our students with good health habits that promise a disease-free future. The aims of our health advocacy programs are follows:


  • Offer free HIV/AIDS education

  • Recommend healthy eating habits 

  • Confer advice on drug addiction

Career Training

UMN believes that job acquisition entails certain nuances that enhance one’s candidature.  Consequently, we equip Secondary school students with career-specific training to prepare them for the job market. The aims of our career training programs are follows:


  • Distribute learning material such as pens and books to vulnerable students

  • Provide opportunities for computer training, including use of MS-Word

  • Offer resume and cover letter writing workshops

  • Link students to libraries in their communities during school breaks

  • Guide post-secondary students navigate job search tools including giving free mock interviews


UMN believes the ultimate civic duty of our Primary and Secondary school students is to become exemplary citizens. We focus on elucidating one’s rights in society in order to inspire peaceful political action. The aims of our citizenship programs are as follows:


  • Invite community leaders to speak to students

  • Interpret constitutional tenets in small group discussions

  • Promote voter registration during election cycles

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